The Dwarves are a good people, stalwart and just, with a deep sense of honour. Their weakness is their pride, their greed and their rage. The Dwarf Empire that was established after the disappearance of the Elves lasted about 750 years, ending with the seige of the Taraks, Dwarven City-Fortresses in the north of Arden. 6,000 years ago, the dwarf cities fell, sending the survivors into exile to live in shame. Dwarves are an uncommon people in Arden, though by no means rare. Every major city will have a dwarf section where a sizeable population will dwell together; rural villages and towns that have Dwarven smiths and stone masons consider themselves fortunate.

Dwarves are divided into various political groups:
  1. Thainborn - Those dwarves of high birth did not accept the loss of their ancient homes, and built smaller fortresses in mountainous regions where they plan for the fateful day when they will take their revenge on the Draconian Legion. They hate goblins and orcs and reject the notion of mixing with other races, unless it is for purposes of commerce. Elves of all kinds they despise. They are very traditional and old-fashioned, worshipping Moradin exclusively. They always make their homes underground and stay away from water altogether.
  2. Uplanders - These dwarves left the old ways behind, choosing to live amoung the other races of Arden. They found their skills and stone masons, miners and metal workers to be in high demand in the major cities of Arden. They mistrust orcs and elves, but hate goblins. They fear boats and riding beasts, but can be convinced to make use of them with a bit of coaxing. Many Upland dwarves have adopted the religions of the cities that they have settled in, but many still keep the old faith and attend the services at the temples of Moradin.
  3. Barbarians - These dwarves abandoned civilization altogether, living in nomadic warrior clans that roam all across Arden. They mistrust everyone who is not a dwarf, but hate goblins, orcs and elves. They most often worship Kord, putting them at odds with the Thainborn dwarves who insist on the strict adherence to Moradin. They value metalcraft in so far as it relates to weapons and armour, but their masonry skills have been lost altogether. Barbarian Dwarf clans specialize more often in cave lore and mining. They will live in natural caverns or tent camps. They have no aversion to riding beasts or ocean travel.
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