The Town of Clearwater is an area that has been settled for many thousands of years. There are walls and masonry that have been left to fall into ruin, and roads that were once of high quality, but the culture that built them is long gone. The obelisks and ruins that dot the countryside are simple landmarks now.
The town suffered a terrible scandal in 12,673 YC when the corrupt mayor and an evil cleric concocted a scheme to swindle thousands of new settlers out of their savings. People were brought in from other townships such as Turin and Slarin and told that they would have large new farms. The plot was uncovered by a group of adventurers led by Oliver "Feet" O'Riley, a halfling Cartographer and Legalitarian. The money was recovered, and the cultrits met a messy end, "Feet" started a new guild in Clearwater called, Dungeoneers Inc. The purpose of this organization was to assemble a body of trained specialists that would be able to undertake a wide variety of missions.
The town's population consists mostly of Humans, and Halflings with a large minority of Dwarves and Half-Orcs. A large settlement of Gnomes exists to the North, but there is a stong desire for these people to relocate to Clearwater and start a new Gnomish Engineers' Guild.